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Why repairing a Butynol roof on time is better than replacing a Butynol roof

The question often is raised "do I repair my roof or replace it". Ideally, a thorough repair job is the most cost-effective method for a number of reasons. This is why it pays to get your roof inspected and repaired if necessary when necessary. If the roof is let go and it becomes compromised, there will always most certainly be more water damage to the roof structure, electrical wiring and ceilings.If you have to replace the roof, it is likely that you need to do the following. Instal...

August 18, 2023

Why you should inspect your Butynol or other membrane roof regularly

Do you own a house or building which has a flat or low-pitched roof area and Butynol or Torch on, or similar is the membrane acting as the roof/moisture barrier?How often do you do a visual inspection or get a qualified person to inspect?  The advantage of taking an annual look at your roof can pay dividends handsomely. For the minimal cost of an inspection, if it is beyond you to inspect, it will pale into insignificance if your roof membrane is allowed to deteriorate to the point it leaks...

August 18, 2023

Restoring History with Slaked Lime Putty

Preserving and restoring historical sites requires a delicate balance between maintaining authenticity and ensuring longevity. In the case of the historic gun emplacements at Auckland Harbour, the expertise of Historic Architects specialists and the reliable Slaked Lime Putty supplied by Stratacote came together to breathe new life into these significant landmarks. This blog post explores how Recreational Services Ltd, the graffiti eradication contractors for Te Puna Maunga Authority, succe...

July 17, 2023

Freeze Thaw Cycles and The Sustainability Of Your Walls

A freeze thaw cycle is very simple.Water (rain or dew) collects in a crack or dent.As the water freezes (only takes a frosty morning), it expands. Ice takes up more room than water, so the space has to expand to fit the ice.The ice melts, leaving a larger crack or dent than was started with....

May 16, 2023

Noticed some changes?

We have undergone some big changes here, which you no doubt especially noticed if you are a Mason, Builder, Brickie or Roofer. We have split off the Masonry Supplies and Diamond Tool arm of Stratacote to a new website so we can better serve our customers. You can now find all your Bricklaying Tools & Equipment at Summit Tools! The new website is now live and ready for you to explore. Check it out here and tell us what you think? Meanwhile Stratacote is still going stro...

March 16, 2022

5 Tips & Tricks for Controlling Moss, Mould & Lichen

In this blog we share 5 top tricks to get control of any moss, mould or lichen infestation you have around the home or building. 1)After prolonged periods of dry weather, give the target area a couple of watering sessions over a few days before applying Moss and Mould Formula. 2)Apply Agent Blue moss, mould & lichen kill, it is an aqueous and highly residual product which will re-activate each time it rains, giving long term results. 3)Moss and Mould likes shade and damp, where possible remove t...

April 20, 2020

Understanding Moss, Mould & Lichen & how to control them

Did you know that Moss, Mould, Algae, Lichen and Liverwort are members of the Byrophyte  family?  A non- vascular plant which breeds via spore transmission.  This means in simple terms they do not have a root system, consequently they do not draw nutrients and minerals out of the ground, and do not produce seeds or flowers. They reproduce via their spores being released into the atmosphere and being carried by air currents or a breeze. This enables Byrophytes grow in a variety of ...

April 20, 2020

New Catalogue: Diamond Tool & Masonry Equipment

Download your copy of the latest Stratacote catalogue for Diamond Tools & Masonry Equipment...

March 27, 2020

Importance of garden maintenance around Oamaru stone

Maintaining gardens and plant growth around Oamaru stone structures is strongly recommended to prevent surface damage to the stone. A failure to do so can result in visual defects in the stone, see the images below that speak for themselves......

April 6, 2019

All you need to know about Silicone roof coatings

Silicone roof coatings (rubber roof paint) are the most popular roofing membranes in New Zealand, here we will spell out a few reasons why, and also tell you all you need to know about them....

August 29, 2018

7 Care & maintenance tips for Oamaru Stone

Whether it be a fence, wall or house, if you built with Oamaru stone you probably did so because of its charm and beautiful appearance. However over time if its not cared for properly it can become dirty and prone to moss and mould growth which if not treated can become extremely costly to repair as the moss tendrils get further into the stone. To add to this, if its not sealed properly water seeps into the stone and in frosty conditions causes spalling (cracking) which damages the mortar and su...

July 24, 2018

The economical re-roofing option for flat and low pitch roofs

Re-roofing, is always a major project, in terms of both work and money required to complete the task. However silicone roof coatings can change that by cutting about 50% of the cost in some cases. Read on for more info. It’s a scenario a good deal of home or building owners are faced with. You have a nice architecturally designed and built house, or a building with a flat or low pitch roof  lined with butynol, torch on asphalt or a similar membrane that's approaching the end of its life. ...

June 27, 2018

Why use Lime Mortar?

The History of Lime Putty as a base ingredient for mortar and plaster can be traced back beyond the middle ages and roman times to the ancient Egyptians, some 6000 years ago when it was a standard building material, including in the build of the great pyramids (and those structures are still standing today!).  A Great testament to the durability of this amazing material.  In contrast, the more popular alternative today (Portland cement) has a recognised life of 100 years, which is obvi...

April 21, 2018

How to recognise mould

On painted surfaces mould looks like dirt and frequently the two cannot be distinguished. The most common species are black but others may be brown or green. By wetting the surface and rubbing, mould will show up as slime....

April 5, 2018 Posts 1-14 of 14 | Page

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